Set up the base prompt

ape-common provides a Prompt class to help you manage your prompt templates. Prompt objects can be instantiated with a dictionary or loaded from a .prompt file. It is also a functor class, which means it can be called like a function to run the prompt with any inputs. (read more about it here).

Provide training data

The trainset will be used to evaluate the performance of prompts while Ape is writing new prompts. It will also be used to pick few-shot examples for the prompts.

Set up the evaluation metric

You can define your own evaluation metric by subclassing BaseMetric and implementing the compute method. You can also use predefined metrics: JsonMatchMetric, CosineSimilarityMetric, and SemanticF1Metric.

Run the optimization

from weavel import Weavel
from ape.common.metrics import JsonMatchMetric

wv = Weavel()

optimized_prompt = await wv.optimize(
    models=["claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620", "gpt-4o"],